What you need to know before graduating
Whether you’ve been hired before graduation or aren’t sure what your next step is, transitioning into the professional world can be scary, but with these 10 skills under your belt, you’ll be off to a great start!
An Elevator Pitch
No matter your major, it’s important to be able to say exactly who you are and what you’re looking for. Keep this pitch short and sweet — limit yourself to what you could fit on a business card!
How to Ask for a Reference
Having good references can make a world of difference, but it can be weird to ask professors and past coworkers to stick their neck out for you. Being upfront, timely and polite is a sure-fire way to get them interested, but be understanding if they don’t feel comfortable with it!
If you aren’t on LinkedIn already, make yourself an account… NOW! This professional social media platform is where all of your prospective employers are going to head to first to learn what you’re all about — without one, you may miss out on a great opportunity.
Interviews may just be the scariest part about job hunting. Selling yourself can be tricky, and finding a balance between being yourself and staying professional can be a slippery slope. Remember to do your research, practice the most common questions and ask questions. Click here for more interview tips!
Cover Letters
Writing cover letters is rough. Does anyone know the correct format for them? No matter the position you’re applying for, a good tip is to ask your friends and mentors to read them over before you turn them in! An extra set of eyes never hurt anyone.
How to Utilize an Online Portfolio
Whether you’re a biologist or a journalist, an online portfolio is a great tool to showcase all of the work you’ve done during your time at college. Sending this link to your prospective employer will show that you’re a self-starter, tell them more about who you are and illustrate the type of work you’ve excelled in.
How to Handle Rejection
Part of the job hunting process is being told no. Though it can seem like the end of the world, not getting the job you’ve been dreaming about doesn’t mean you’re not going to make it. Remember that there are a million other opportunities coming your way!
“It’s all about who you know,” may sound like a cliche, but that’s because it’s true! Forming relationships and maintaining contact with people in your field can help you find your next job, hook you up with a great side gig or just allow you to ask advice from those who have been in your shoes.
When to Speak Up
Starting out in an entry-level position may feel like your voice won’t be heard, but it’s important to know when to speak up and when to let those who know more do what they think is best. If a meeting calls for new ideas or you’re asked your opinion, don’t be afraid to disagree or state your thoughts!
Work/Life Balance
Finally, you need to know what kind of balance works best for you. If you’re dedicated to your career and want to focus on working your way up, that’s great! If not, it’s important to find a position that will allow you to have the time away from work that you need.
No matter where you end up, if you know how to do these 10 things you’ll be more equipped to get exactly what you want and need out of your job.